This online store is closed - please shop at

After a trial period, in reaction to customer feedback, we have opted to withdraw shipping from our Dutch shipping hub and close our EU only website. The majority of EU customers have expressed their preference of having access to our full collection over using local shipping services.

All customers, including those in the EU, will now be able to shop via one store

Orders will be shipped from the UK via FedEx at a flat rate of £7 with customs fees pre-paid.

What about my order?

Don't worry, we will still honour and ship all existing EU orders via our shipping hub in the Netherlands.

I want to return my order?

No problem, please return your order as normal and we will refund you. Any orders on their way to us will be processed as usual.

I want to check my account?

We've left this site up for a short while incase you need to access your customer account. Our team will retain access in order to process refunds.

So, how do I shop now?

Please create a new account on our UK website and shop as normal (if you had an account on the UK site previously it'll still be there waiting for you)

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